The Itinerate Mommy-- yes, I can read

Sunday, October 20, 2013

SIgned myself in....

I need remedial work. That meditating thing isn't working for me yet.
I've signed myself up for a week long camp. Yoga Camp.

Last month I needed to rack up 30 CMEs (Continuing Medical Education credits) (these required to renew my license in December. ) I went to the Mind Body Institute at Harvard for a 5 day course in The New Science of Resiliency. They had days of scientists and physicians showing and citing research to show that people who overcome adversity, be it, depression, headaches, PTSD, chronic pain, etc, use the 3 legged stool of health, not relying solely on medication or procedures: 

The "Individual Self Care" can be boiled down to all the things you knew about:
1) sleep enough (every night)
2) exercise "regularly"
3) "good" diet

and one you might not have thought necessary:

4) meditation (or whatever practice allows you to separate the negative self-talk from your conscious mind.)

I have been practicing power sleeping for a week: sleeping at least 8 hours a night-- sleeping until I woke up on my own, sleeping without an alarm telling me to wake up. Nine days of it. Now it's back to setting the alarm for 5:30am. 

I can track my exercise and eating pretty well and it's never enough or good enough but I can work on it.  That's 3 of the 4 "self-care" musts.

It's the meditation piece I can't lick. I can't find 20 min a day or can't sustain focus 20 min a day or I worry more about doing it wrong than calming my mind. 

So, I've signed myself up for camp for the next 5 mornings to help.  Maybe if I do something for 5 days consecutively, it will become a habit. Wouldn't yoga/stretching and meditation help calm my brain ( and blood pressure and heart rate and stress response) --wouldn't that be a good life skill? 

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