We've gone from the bleak black and grey of winter to the yellows, greens, pinks and beiges of Spring in about 2 weeks. Only weird thing this week was a weather report that said, " Partly sunny and blowing dirt." SInce when is dirt a weather phenonmenon? Since all the wheat isn't quite planted and if they till the soil and the wind kicks up, the clouds can obscure the Blue Mountains nearby. And colors! Didn't even mention the array of multi-colored, multi-weighted therapy bands that our Physical Therapists share with us weekly accompanied by unending stretching and strengthening exercises to abate our various orthopedic aches and getting-older pains. Only our pasty skin is still white.
Last weekend we drove east toward Idaho for a little sight-seeing, but mostly because we wanted to picnic somewhere new and wanted to catch up on our audiobook. The sights were more of the rolling hills of wheat fields, now barely planted, but in some places with tiny green sprouts. We were back on the Lewis and Clark trail with a metal sculpture of silhouettes of a camping party, complete with dog and horse silhouettes. (I may have shown you this last fall.) We ended up on a terribly rutted, dirt road, made muddy by the recent rains and floods. We were not in our new big truck, but our low-riding VW Jetta and had to turn around, spewing mud and rocks in our wake down the hill. On our way back we spotted the 300 foot Jolly Green Giant, etched in rocks into the hillside. Dayton, Washington used to be where all of the Jolly Green Giant asparagus was canned. The area lost over 1000 jobs when the canning plant was moved.
The picnic back in Walla Walla at Benington Lake was still splendid. Back to the exercises....
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